Writing & Rhetoric
Major, Minor, & Certificate
Designed for 21st Century Learners
Discover the world of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Utah! Our major is designed for the diverse needs of our students, shaping analytical thinkers and proficient writers highly valued by employers. With a Writing and Rhetoric degree, you'll be well-prepared for various careers and graduate school options, as strong writing skills are consistently ranked essential by employers.
Transfer Students CHOOSING ELECTIVE courses why study writing & rhetoric?
Courses in the major are diverse, small, with most enrolling fewer than 30 students. Students receive individual attention and are encouraged to develop as writers. The Writing & Rhetoric Studies Major requires courses in a number of categories for a total minimum of 36 credit hours or about 12 courses.
Three degree options:
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.) UOnline
WRS Major Worksheet Course Catalog wrs electives list 4-Year degree plan
WRTG 3011: Writing in the Arts & Humanities (CW)
WRTG 3012: Writing in the Social Sciences (CW)
WRTG 3014: Writing in the Sciences (CW)
WRTG 3015: Professional Writing (CW)
WRTG 3016: Business Writing (CW)
WRTG 3020: Write4U (CW)
WRTG 3025: Code Studies (CW)
WRTG 2040: Intro to Writing Studies
WRTG 2050: Writing as Superpower (HF)
WRTG 2080: Writing About Music
WRTG 2310: Digital Writing
WRTG 2830: Frameworks for Technical and Professional Communication
WRTG 3018: Writing about Popular Culture (HF)
WRTG 3019: Writing about War (HF; CW)
WRTG 3020: Write 4 U (HF; CW)
WRTG 3030: Writing across Locations
WRTG 3040: Digital Storytelling (HF)
WRTG 3420: Environmental & Sustainability Studies (HF; CW)
WRTG 3430: Language of the Law
WRTG 3440: Digital Research Methods
WRTG 3510: Grammar and Stylistics (LING 3510) (CW)
WRTG 3610: Internship
WRTG 3705: Rhetoric, Science & Technology Studies (BF; HF)
WRTG 3830: Research in Professional Communication (CW)
WRTG 3890: Under-Represented Rhetorics (DV)
WRTG 3900: Advanced Literacy Studies (ENGL 3690) (HF)
WRTG 4001: Business Plans and Proposals
WRTG 4002: Grant Writing
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW, IR)
WRTG 4020: Writing Center Colloquium: Theory and Practice
WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric: Word/Image/Argument (CW; QB)
WRTG 4040: Digital Rhetoric
WRTG 4060: Public Writing in the 21st Century
WRTG 4090: Materiality of the Book
WRTG 4200: Writing Popular Non Fiction (CW)
WRTG 4830: Designing for Usability (CW)
WRTG 4850: Technical Editing
WRTG 4890: Writing, Persuasion, and Power
WRTG 4905: Studies in Professional Discourse (Law, Med) (CW)
WRTG 4970: Rhetorics of Gender
WRTG 4990: Undergraduate Research
WRTG 4999: Honors Thesis/Project
WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing
WRTG 5900: Literacy Studies: Reading, Writing, Identity, and Class
WRTG 5905: Special Topics in Writing & Rhetoric
WRTG 3890: Rhetorical and Critical Methods
WRTG 4890: Writing, Persuasion, and Power
WRTG 4950: Social Histories of Rhetoric
WRTG 4970: Rhetorics of Gender
Writing is fundamentally important in a number of workplace settings such as business, law, medicine, government jobs, non-profits, engineering and the sciences. Students who minor will improve their writing and gain and understanding of how and why writing works.
The Writing & Rhetoric Studies Minor requires courses in a number of categories for a total minimum 18 credit hours or 6 courses.
WRS Minor WORKSHEET Course Catalog wrs electives list
WRTG 3011: Writing in the Arts & Humanities (CW)
WRTG 3012: Writing in the Social Sciences (CW)
WRTG 3014: Writing in the Sciences (CW)
WRTG 3015: Professional Writing (CW)
WRTG 3016: Business Writing (CW)
WRTG 2040: Intro to Writing Studies
WRTG 2310: Digital Writing
WRTG 2905: Special Topics
WRTG 3010: Critical Thinking and Writing (HF; CW)
WRTG 3018: Writing about Popular Culture (HF)
WRTG 3019: Writing about War (HF; CW)
WRTG 3020: Write 4 U (CW)
WRTG 3030: Writing across Locations
WRTG 3040: Digital Storytelling (HF)
WRTG 3420: Environmental & Sustainability Studies (HF; CW)
WRTG 3430: Language of the Law
WRTG 3440: Digital Research Methods
WRTG 3510: Grammar and Stylistics (LING 3510) (CW)
WRTG 3610: Internship
WRTG 3705: Rhetoric, Science & Technology Studies (BF; HF)
WRTG 3830: Research in Professional Communication
WRTG 3890: Under-Represented Rhetorics (DV)
WRTG 3900: Advanced Literacy Studies (ENGL 3690) (HF)
WRTG 4000: Writing for Scholarly Publication
WRTG 4001: Business Plans and Proposals
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (IR)
WRTG 4020: Writing Center Colloquium: Theory and Practice
WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric: Word/Image/Argument (CW; QB)
WRTG 4040: Digital Rhetoric
WRTG 4050: Cultural Rhetorics (DV)
WRTG 4060: Public Writing in the 21st Century
WRTG 4070: Rhetorics of Gender
WRTG 4090: Materiality of the Book
WRTG 4200: Writing Popular Non Fiction (CW)
WRTG 4830: Designing for Usability (CW)
WRTG 4850: Technical Editing
WRTG 4890: Writing, Persuasion, and Power
WRTG 4905: Studies in Professional Discourse (Law, Med) (CW)
WRTG 5010: Medical and Health Science Discourses
WRTG 5770: Research in Rhetoric and Writing
WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing
WRTG 5905: Special Topics in Writing & Rhetoric
ENGL 5970: Discourse Analysis
Writing is a soft skill employers value. Employees who write well do better in their careers. Stand out above others with a certificate in professional and technical writing, designed around your major. Acquire an edge over others while fulfilling your general education requirements. This certificate requires 7 courses (21 credits) and is designed around your major.
WRS certificate WORKSHEET Course Catalog
Program Curriculum
WRTG 2830: Foundations of Professional & Technical Writing (ONLINE)
WRTG 2310: Digital Writing
WRTG 3014: Science Writing (CW)
WRTG 3015: Professional Writing (CW)
WRTG 3016: Business Writing (CW)
WRTG 3040: Digital Storytelling
WRTG 3430: Language of the Law
WRTG 3610: Internship
WRTG 3705: Rhetoric, Science, & Technology (BF; HF)
WRTG 3830: Research in Technical Comm
WRTG 4001: Business Plans & Proposals
WRTG 4002: Grant Writing
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (IR)
WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric (HF; QB)
WRTG 4040: Digital Rhetoric
WRTG 4060: Public Writing in the 21st Century
WRTG 4830: Designing for Usability (CW)
WRTG 4850: Technical Editing
WRTG 4905: Writing in the Professions
WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing
WRTG 5905: Special Topics*
*Such as Procedural Rhetorics (focused on rhetorical issues in videogames from design to culture) OR other courses that address important practical and cultural competencies for professional writing students.
COMM 1270: Analysis of Argument (HF; QB)
CLCS 3720: Empathy, Medicine, and the Human Condition
COMM 3510: Intro to Web Design
COMM 3550: Principles of Visual Design
COMM 4570: Visual Editing (SUSL)
ENGL 2085: Digital Culture (HF)
ENGL 2090: Video Game Storytelling (HF)
ENGL 5090 - Literature, Film, and Video Games
HIST: 4075: Science, Technology, and Society
HIST 4080: History of Medicine in the West (HF; IR)
HIST 4085: History of Technology (SUSL)
HPSCI 3950: History of Women in Science, Technology, and Medicine
LING 1200: Introduction to the Study of Language (HF)
LING 3470: Language and Culture (HF; IR)
LING 3480: Language and Social Justice (HF)
PHIL 3310: Science and Society (SUSL)
PHIL 3390: Technology and Design Ethics
PHIL 3520: Bioethics (SUSL)
Suggested Courses for Emphasis
Select 4 classes for 12 credit hours. This step is optional. Speak with your advisor to set up a plan.
WRTG 3830: Research in Technical and Professional Writing (CW)
WRTG 4002: Grant Writing
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW; IR)
WRTG 4830: Designing for Usability (CW)
WRTG 4850: Technical Editing
WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing
WRTG 3040: Digital Storytelling
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW; IR)
WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric (HF; QB)
WRTG 4060: Writing for the 21st Century (CW)
WRTG 4830: Designing for Usability (CW)
WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing
WRTG 3430: Language of the Law
WRTG 4002: Grant Writing
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW; IR)
WRTG 4060: Writing for the 21st Century (CW)
WRTG 4830: Designing for Usability (CW)
WRTG 4850: Technical Editing
WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing
WRTG 3015: Professional Writing
WRTG 3014: Writing for Science (CW)
WRTG 3705: Rhetoric, Science, & Technology (BF; HF)
WRTG 4002: Grant Writing
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW; IR)
WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric (HF; QB)
WRTG 4060: Writing for the 21st Century (CW)
WRTG 4850: Technical Editing
WRTG 3016: Business Writing (CW)
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW; IR)
WRTG 4060: Writing for the 21st Century (CW)
Choosing Rhetoric & Writing Elective Courses
The Department of Writing & Rhetoric offers a selection of courses that you can choose from, based on your academic interests and your future career path.
To give you an idea of the course of study you might follow have put together a few class combinations that would fulfill the requirements of the program, while also working to fulfill the General Education requirements. But remember that you have a lot of flexibility and can choose courses that best suit your interests.
Student A is a science major who selected these electives*:
WRTG 3705: Rhetoric, Science and Technology Studies (BF; HF)
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW, IR)
WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric (QB)
WRTG 4850: Technical Editing
Student B is planning to go to law school and selected these electives*:
WRTG 3510: Grammar & Stylistics (CW)
WRTG 3890: Under-Represented Rhetorics (DV)
WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (CW, IR)
WRTG 4905: Studies in Professional Discourses: Discourses of Law (CW)
Why Choose Writing and Rhetoric?
Strong Relationships with Faculty
The faculty have a broad and interesting range of research and pedagogical projects. Most of our courses are taught by full-time faculty members, and they are small enough that students and professors develop strong working relationships.Powerful Double Major
The degree in Writing and Rhetoric is ideal for a double major, working well with courses of study in a range of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Writing is a key component in nearly every career, after all.
Many Career Opportunities
Our program imparts versatile skills—rhetorical, writing, analytical—vital across fields like publishing, advertising, politics, and more. Beyond diverse careers, Writing and Rhetoric prepares students for success in various graduate programs.

If you have already earned an associate’s degree...
which is typically 60 credit hours, and want to complete a WRS major, which is 36 credit hours, that totals 96 credit hours. This means that you would need 26 more credit hours to complete the 122 semester hour graduation requirement for a bachelor’s degree. Remember, 40 of those 122 credits must be upper-division (3000-level or higher).
This flexibility makes WRS an ideal double major or a good major to combine with other minor(s), pre-professional concentrations, or participating in the honors program. WRS pairs well with disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and professional programs. All WRS majors graduate with an e-portfolio that showcases their writing experiences and abilities for employers and graduate admissions committees.
The Office of Admissions determines the acceptability of transfer credit toward the 122 semester hour graduation requirement as well as awarding credit general education requirements. Academic departments determine if courses are considered equivalent to courses offered at the University of Utah and their applicability towards a bachelor's degree.