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First-Year Writing

Students should complete their
Lower Division Writing (WR2) requirement
within their first 3 semesters at the UofU,
and before they enroll in upper-division classes


All the colleges and universities in the state of Utah require writing-intensive coursework as part of their undergraduate degree General Education requirements.

At the University of Utah, First-Year Writing refers to a two course sequence: WRTG 1010 (WR1) − Introduction to Academic Writing, and courses that fulfill the Lower Division Writing (WR2) requirement, including:

  • WRTG 2010 − Intermediate Writing: Academic Writing and Research
  • ENGL 2010 − Intermediate Writing: Academic Writing and Research
  • HONOR 2211 − Writing in Honors (Honors College students only)


Some students arrive to the U with credit for writing classes through transfer credit or qualifying AP, IB, or CLEP exam scores.


Last Updated: 6/12/24